Stand: 21.05.2023 | 06:00 Uhr
1 | 5 "Westerlund 2"; Klassifikation: Star-forming Nebula; Position: 10h 24m, –57° 46' (Carina); Distanz zur Erde: 20,000 ly; Instrument/Jahr: ACS/WFC, 2015, WFC3/IR, 2015
© NASA, ESA, the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), and the Westerlund 2 Science Team
2 | 5 "RS Puppis"; Klassifikation: Veränderlicher Stern, Nebel; Position: 08h 13m, –34° 34' (Puppis); Distanz zur Erde: 6,500 ly; Instrument/Jahr: ACS/WFC, 2010
© NASA, ESA, and Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration, and H. Bond (STScI/PSU)
3 | 5 "Mars" und "Phobos"; Klassifikation: Planet und Mond; Position: Variable; Distanz zur Erde: 1.51 au; Instrument/Jahr: WFC3/UVIS, 2017
© NASA and ESA
4 | 5 "M16 Eagle Nebula"; Klassifikation: Star-forming Nebula; Position: 18h 18m, –13° 49' (Serpens); Distanz zur Erde: 6,500 ly; Instrument/Jahr: WFC3/UVIS, 2014
© NASA, ESA, and Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)
5 | 5 "Abell 370 Parallel Field" und "Asteroid Trails"; Klassifikation: Galaxienhaufen; Position: 02h 40m, –01° 35' (Cetus); Distanz zur Erde: 4,000,000,000 ly; Instrument/Jahr: ACS/WFC, WFC3/IR, 2017
© NASA, ESA, and J. Lotz and the HFF Team (STScI)