Komponistin und Musikerin Stephanie Nilles. © NDR/Meg Hannah Foto: Meg Hannah

Bonus-Song: "Monsters"

Sendung: Früchte des Zorns – John Steinbecks Roman als Hörspiel-Serie | 13.11.2024 | 18:00 Uhr | von Stephanie Nilles
3 Min | Verfügbar bis 20.04.2025



Some children are born
Without a leg, without an arm
For deformities no one’s to blame

‘ere though they grow
as the tide ebbs and flows
and they’ll never feel quite the same

to all the men and the women
who haven’t this lack
that, never having, they know not to miss

just as you or I
wouldn’t watch a bird soar by
and lament we cannot take flight

so too to these children
missing a wing
it’s the "others" who are strange in their eyes

some children are born
with a familiar form
but with a lack that a man cannot see

‘ere though they grow
as the tide ebbs and flows
and they strike as strange and unique

to all the men and the women
who haven’t this lack
that, never having, they know not to miss

just as you or I
wouldn’t watch a fish swim by
and lament we can’t breathe under sea

so too to these children
missing a conscience
it’s the others who are grotesque to see

oh and they may be right
for is it not our conviction
that sends men off to war?

Oh and they may be right
For is it not this affliction
That makes rich men rich

And the poor stay poor?
For there’s evil in the world
Sure as the seasons
They change from warm to cold

And this evil means little
‘less we know why
it’s a mystery we’ll never know.

Komposition – Stephanie Nilles
Klavier, Orgel, Gesang, Perkussion, Melodica, Geige und Gesang – Stephanie Nilles
Klarinette, Kornett, Alt- und Tenorsaxofon, Tuba, Kontrabass, Gitarre, Penny Whistle, Gesang – Thomas Deakin
Bratsche – Allan Nilles

Aus der Hörspiel-Serie "Jenseits von Eden" nach dem Roman von John Steinbeck
Produktion: NDR 2021
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