Stand: 05.03.2025 17:27 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 06.02.2025

Nightlounge von 05:00 - 06:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Jörg Kaiser
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
JunkmanO'Keefe, DannyO'Keefe, DannyBreezy stories409
Long may you runYoung, NeilThe Stills-Young BandLong may you run353
Kitty's backSpringsteen, BruceSpringsteen, BruceThe wild, the innocent & the E Street shuffle710
The fezBecker/Fagen/GriffinSteely DanThe royal scam402
It's overScaggs/PaichScaggs, BozSilk degrees252
I can't tell you whySchmit/Henley/FreyEaglesThe long run456
Something on your mindValenti, D.Dalton, KarenIn my own time323
Lonely town, lonely streetWithers, BillWithers, BillJust as I am/Still Bill338
OpheliaRobertson, RobbieThe BandNorthern lights - southern cross333
Give me an inchPalmer, RobertPalmer, RobertPressure drop318
ColoradoRoberts, RickThe Flying Burrito BrothersHot burritos! The Flying Burrito Brothers anthology 1969-1972452
Lonely at the topNewman, RandyNewman, RandySail away235
Secret o' lifeTaylor, JamesTaylor, JamesJT335
Like a rolling stoneDylan, BobSpiritSpirit of '76857

Dieses Thema im Programm:

NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 06.02.2025 | 00:01 Uhr

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