Stand: 05.03.2025 17:27 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 06.02.2025

Nightlounge von 03:00 - 04:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Axel Krafft
lfd Nr.TitelBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
1Every Time KateDavid Wax MuseumGuesthouse334
2YouniverseDumbo Gets MadThank You Neil320
3It's Getting BetterHeim, OlivierA Different Life456
4SenseKing Gizzard & The Lizard WizardPaper Mâché Dream Balloon 330
5Come Down SlowlyHindle, James William Prospect Park407
6Sleepwalking ManHøyem,Sivert Lioness401
7The Name Of LoveThe Blood Feud Family SingersNo Moon333
8Love Ain't Nothin But A Business Goin' OnParker, JuniorLove Ain't Nothin But A Business Goin' On321
9Where The Night GoesRitter, Josh Sermon On The Rocks349
10In The WaterBombara, Beth Beth Bombara407
11The World Keeps Turnin'Hall, TrevorThis Is Blue307
12He Didn't Mention His MotherFriedberger, Eleanor New View358
13Wicked MoonMarks, Jack Wicked Moon336
14The Wilhelm ScreamThe Bamboos feat. Megan WashingtonThe Best of the Tru Thoughts Years427
15Pink Haired Space GirlLisi, John & Delta FunkShut The Front Door!406

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 06.02.2025 | 00:01 Uhr

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00:00 - 06:00 Uhr
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