Stand: 05.03.2025 17:27 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 06.02.2025

Nightlounge von 00:00 - 01:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Mathias Stössner
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretLP/CD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
The MusicLast Poets, TheLast Poets, TheUnderstand What Black Is510
Destroy The Wicked (feat. Notch)Thievery CorporationThievery CorporationTreasures From The Temple346
Family Skank (feat. The Rebel Arms)Barrett, Aston ‘Family Man‘Barrett, Aston ‘Family Man‘Soul Constitution: Instrumentals & Dubs 1971 – 1982 437
You Just Got To Be In LoveGardiner, BorisGardiner, Boris A Soulful Experience Is Happening247
Lilith - On The WaySpoerri, BrunoSpoerri, BrunoGlückskugel326
The For Mills BrothersVan Dyke ParksVan Dyke ParksDiscover America129
Groovin'Young Rascals, TheYoung Rascals, TheGroovin'229
Effective DemandWells, BillWells, BillLemondale245
Jenny WrenMcCartney, PaulMcCartney, PaulChaos And Creation In The Backyard347
Continental BreakfastVile, KurtBarnett, Courtne & Vile, KurtLotta Sea Lice453
True Love Will Find You In The EndJohnston, DanielNadler, MarissaCovers Volume 2133
Packing UpBrion, JonBrion, JonLady Bird116
Bye-ByeHartford, JohnHartford, JohnMorning Bugle320
Everyone Is Saying Hello AgainCole. Nat KingCole. Nat KingUnforgettable239
Blues N.2Tommasi, AmedeoTommasi, AmedeoIl Flauto - Servizi Speciali N. 1304
CataventoNascimento, MiltonNascimento, MiltonMilton Nascimento214
Com Mais De 30Valle, MarcosValle, MarcosGarra244
Hein?Medeiros, Elton /Zé, TomZé, TomEstudando O Samba342
Aos BarõesBorges, LôBorges, LôLô Borges232

Dieses Thema im Programm:

NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 06.02.2025 | 00:01 Uhr

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00:00 - 06:00 Uhr
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