Stand: 14.08.2024 17:52 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 13.12.2023

Nightlounge von 03:00 - 04:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Axel Krafft
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Everybody's WelcomeBen BarrittBarritt, Ben Everybody's Welcome445
Don't Believe You Like ThatEmilia Sisco, Cold Diamond & MinkSisco, Emilia feat. Cold Diamond & MinkDon't Believe You Like That (Single)446
SlipstreamThomas OosterlynckAmongsterA New Arrival345
Through The Shades Of ParadiseRaditya Bramantyo, Vira Talisa DharmawanTalisa, Vira Primavera448
Morning In AmericaJ.B. Flatt, Aaron FrazerJones, Durand & The IndicationsAmerican Love Call351
The BarrelHannah ToppHarding, Aldous Designer339
Right From WrongShady FrankShady FrankHome403
Obsolete MajestyChristoph Klinger, Vivie AnnAnn, Vivie When The Harbour Becomes The Sea324
Before The Teardrops StartJackie LomaxLomax, JackieThe Ballad Of Liverpool Slim… Plus428
Shine A LittleWinston Hauschild, Zara Marie YurkMarie, Zara Living In The Lost And Found428
AtlasBrennan Carter, Evan Smith, Jacob Lundgren, Jarred Katz, Levi Gillis, Mark Hunter, Thomas EddyThe DipThe Dip Delivers347
God's Given Me A ComforterMichael OrrOrr, Michael & The Book Of LifeLove Will Rise431
No QuitMichael NauNau, MichaelNo Quit (Single)313
Rising SunSophie AusterAuster, Sophie Next Time358
Hear Me OutMurray A. LightburnLightburn, Murray A. Hear Me Out352

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 13.12.2023 | 00:01 Uhr

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