Stand: 06.03.2024 17:52 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 01.11.2023

Nightlounge von 04:00 - 05:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Jörg Kaiser
lfd Nr.TitelBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
11Joy ZipperThe Heartlight Set233
2Show MeOver The RhineOhio422
3SmalltownReed, Lou/Cale, JohnSongs for Drella204
4The New Rise of LaborNorfolk & WesternThe Unsung Colony420
5MisunderstandingThe Electric Soft ParadeNo Need to be Downhearted337
6Rhthm & SoulSpoonGa ga ga ga ga330
7Jack and JillRichey, KimChinese Boxes311
8Happy Days are Here AgainThe Broken Family BandWelcome Home, Loser254
9Feel You NowThe Autumn DefenseThe Autumn Defense434
10The Immovable MotoristThe Gloria RecordStart Here303
11Not too Long AgoLowe, NickAt My Age220
12The waltze of the tennis playersBaird, MegDear companion305
13Cold DecemberCosta, MattSongs We Sing415
14One Kiss don't Make a SummerLucky SoulThe Great Unwanted349
15JesseMother EarthThe People Tree501
16Knocked UpKings of LeonBecause of the Times710

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 01.11.2023 | 00:01 Uhr

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