Stand: 06.03.2024 17:42 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 29.10.2023

Nightlounge von 04:00 - 05:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Axel Krafft
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Bread And WineAdrai Crowley, Adrian CrowleyCrowley, Adrian The Watchful Eye Of The Stars353
One Of These Things FirstNick DrakeHoffs, Susanna Bright Lights429
Different When It Comes To YouBruce CockburnCockburn, Bruce Life Short Call Now257
Lonely SinnerEd Harcourt, Kristina TrainTrain, Kristina Dark Black411
Do You Know?Donnie JohnsonDonnieThe Colored Section454
I Talk To The WindIan McDonald, Peter SinfieldGavanski, Dana Wind Songs (EP)438
SleepwalkingAdmiral Fallow, Louis AbbottAdmiral FallowThe Idea Of You309
Voyage Into The Golden ScreenDonovanDonovanA Gift From A Flower To A Garden313
Chiron's BowZachary TillmanPearly Gate MusicMainly Gestalt Pornography418
I Should Have Known BetterJohn Lennon, Paul McCartneyEkdahl, Lisa Grand Songs326
Ocean To OceanTori AmosAmos, Tori Ocean To Ocean330
Rearview MirrorGarrett KatoGarrett KatoRearview Mirror (Single)325
No ReasonAdrianne LenkerBig ThiefDragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You344
Hurricane HazelGlenn D'CruzeNorth Atlantic ExplorersNight Owls407
Down In VirginiaDHAITI, Grace VictoriaVictoria, Grace Love & Justice225
Now Where Was I?James DeyDey, James Tongues In Trees239

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 29.10.2023 | 00:01 Uhr

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