Stand: 28.02.2024 18:23 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 16.10.2023

Nightlounge von 01:00 - 02:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Mathias Stössner
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretLP/CD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
There's No Vibrations, But Wait!Broughton, R.Edgar Broughton BandSing Brother Sing406
Through The Magnifying GlassThomas/CutlerThomas, David More Places Forever307
Too Much TimeVan Vliet, DonCaptain BeefheartClear Spot246
Pablo PicassoRichman, Jonathan The Modern LoversThe Modern Lovers419
Take Me To The RiverGreen / HodgesGreen, Al 7"-Motown Yesteryear Series343
Tainted LoveCobb, EdJones, Gloria 12"-Extended Mix451
Don't Make Me overBacharach /DavidWarwick, Dionne The Look of Love (Collection)325
You Only Live TwiceBarry, JohnSinatra, Nancy You Only Live Twice (Soundtrack)242
Something's Gotten Hold Of My HeartGreenaway /CookeCave, Nick Kicking Against The Pricks344
Many Rivers To CrossCliff, JimmyCliff, Jimmy The Harder They Come302
Come AroundHarper, ColinColly BudzzPre-Release-7"333
Never Let You DownKellyJunior KellySmile358
Don't Haffi DreadHeritage, MorganHeritage, MorganDon't Haffi Dread402
Take A RideCampbell/DoddCampbell, Al Studio One Roots 2251
Truths & RightsOsbourne/DoddOsbourne, Johnny Truths & Rights240
Back A YardCallender, FilIn CrowdReggae Classics Vol. 1623

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 16.10.2023 | 00:01 Uhr

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