Stand: 28.02.2024 17:59 Uhr

Nightlounge vom 09.10.2023

Nightlounge von 02:00 - 03:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Olaf Maikopf
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Kansas City SummerLee, S.Shawn LeeRides Again343
Amor Na Contra MaoVerocai, A.Arthuro VerocaiEncore402
Agora Ou Nunca Maisk.A.Ana MazzottiNinguem Val Me Segurar259
Nina AndeleaSingh Kaul, D.FarafiCalico Soul330
Get ReadyRobinson, S.Senior Allstars & AmmoyeDarker Than Blue416
Sorry BoySlavin, W.Liun & The Science Fiction BandRime Rewind317
Blips Drips And StripsGane, T.StereolabCobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night454
WichitaLee, S.Shawn LeeRides Again314
The Free DesignGane, T.StereolabCobra And Phases Group Play Voltage In The Milky Night348
Caroline, NoWilson, B.Chrissie Hynde & The Valve Bone Woe EnsembleValve Bone Woe454
Love Is Too Strongk.A.LettuceElevate355
A Little EternityMariamaMariamaLove, Sweat And Tears312
Settle For My LoveRushen, P.; Washington, F.Patrice RushenYou Remind Me513
It's My DestinyBartholomew, S.; Levy, A.The Brand New HeaviesTBNH49
To Build SomethingPichon, I.Malted MilkLove, Tears & Guns346

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 09.10.2023 | 00:01 Uhr

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