Stand: 19.07.2023 17:18 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 11.07.2023

Nachtclub von 20:00 - 21:00 Uhr / Moderation: Paul Baskerville
TitelBesetzung / InterpretPlattenfirmaCD ObertitelLänge MinLänge Sek
Polacrilex KidProtomartyrDominoFormal growth in the desert343
Will logicMilitarie GunLoma Vista RecordingsLife under the gun217
Very highMilitarie GunLoma Vista RecordingsLife under the gun153
Who do you wanna be?Dream WifeLucky NumberSocial lubrication346
Walk in placeSweeping PromisesSub PopGood living is coming for you236
God8ZCopsSvetlanasDemons run AmokGod8ZCops348
Dance nowGirl and GirlSub PopDivorce+444
Shitty townSarah Mary ChadwickKill Rock StarsShitty Town429
Every loser needs a motherSarah Mary ChadwickBa Da Bing!Me and Ennui are friends, baby38
Rich GirlsLanterns on the LakeBella UnionVersions of us352
What I lostCowboy JunkiesCooking VinylSuch ferocious beauty339
Last time foreverGrian ChattenPartisanChaos for the fly336
The songJoanna SternbergFat PossumI've got me253

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 11.07.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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