Stand: 12.07.2023 18:21 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 04.07.2023

Nightlounge von 05:00 - 06:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Axel Krafft
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
StalemateSamuel Thomas ManvilleManville, S.T. How To Belong (EP)339
Favorite PartAnna AshAsh, Anna Sleeper316
BorrowJosh PrestonPreston, Josh Hollywood411
EverestGinne MarkerMarker, Ginne Ulteria344
Dust Filled RoomBill FayGunn, Steve Dust Filled Room (Single)202
Life Is SufferingDries Vandenberg, Jordan Hicks, Kolson Pickard, Robert Justin OsborneSustoTime In The Sun304
Power Of LoveJoe Simon, Kenneth Gamble, Leon HuffReeves, Martha Martha Reeves324
Raspberry TeaEva KereticKeretic, Eva A to Z Through Germany413
Reflections On The Mirth Of CreativityStephen William BraggBragg, Billy The Million Things That Never Happened308
Sunfair SundownCourtney BarnettBarnett, Courtney Things Take Time, Take Time245
Down With Another OneErin Brown, Michael Edward Flynn, William FitzsimmonsFitzsimmons, William No Promises: The Astronaut's Return317
The Bird Has FlownMaria SolheimSolheim, Maria The Bird Has Flown332
Silent SisterGary CaninoDark TeaSilent Sister (Single)353
Driving At NightJosienne ClarkeClarke, Josienne I Promised You Light (EP)223
KatamanduNikolai TomásPoems for Laila feat. Anne de WolffSome Velvet Morning (Single)400
Don't LieRyan PolliePollie, Ryan Stars308
All Them GhostsPauline NJ NemsonAndrès, Pauline All Them Ghosts247
Dead RiderSam CohenCohen, Sam The Future's Still Ringing In My Ears417

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 04.07.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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