Stand: 12.07.2023 16:33 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 20.06.2023

Nachtclub von 20:00 - 21:00 Uhr / Moderation: Paul Baskerville
TitelBesetzung / InterpretPlattenfirmaCD ObertitelLänge MinLänge Sek
SweetFeeble little horseSaddle CreekGirl with fish231
No limit of starsThe VeilsBa Da Bing!And out of the void came love322
SpiderwebBuilt to SpillSub PopWhen the wind forgets your name59
Days move slowBullySub PopLucky for you236
LeechDream WifeLucky NumberSocial Lubrication55
Trouble from the eastThe High Water MarksMinty FreshTrouble from the east214
I am the river, the river is meJen CloherMarathon ArtistsI am the river, the river is me537
Bridging Visa BHachikuMarathon ArtistsI'll probably be asleep320
FlimsierKing KruleXL RecordingsSpace Heavy354
UndergrowthSquidWarpO Monolith634
SuprnovaBraidsSecret CityEuphoric Recall54

Dieses Thema im Programm:

NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 20.06.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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Rock und Pop

NDR Blue Livestream

NDR 2 Soundcheck Neue Musik

11:00 - 14:00 Uhr
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