Stand: 12.07.2023 16:03 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 17.06.2023

Nightlounge von 05:00 - 06:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Angela Gobelin
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Around YaMo´HorizonsMo´HorizonsThe World Go Round344
Revolving DoorWilhelmsenWilhelmsen, Unni7428
All The SameToureToure / MatthewsThe Secret430
SiliguriBoogaertsBoogaerts, MathieuMichel343
The Way It GoesWelchWelch, GillianThe Harrow & The Harvest434
JeevesConteConte, PaoloNelson455
Fight Fire With FireCambellCambell / LaneganKeep Me In Mind Sweetheart334
EverydayHollyApple / BrionRave On Buddy Holly345
BrujeriaGarciaSergent GarciaUna Y Otra Vez445
When The Day Is ShortWainwrightWainwright, MarthaSpecial Edition346
TouchCharlesCharles / LegendGenius & Friends441
My Time Is OffE/MurderEelsHombre Lobo354
Never Can Say GoodbyeHayesHayes, IsaacStax 50th Anniversary Celebration336
Trip Into The MindComfortComfortOriental Connection243
CanaanLanoisBlack DubBlack Dub423

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 17.06.2023 | 00:01 Uhr

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00:00 - 06:00 Uhr
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