Stand: 07.06.2023 15:16 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 26.04.2023

Nightlounge von 04:00 - 05:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Holger Wilden
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Deep pocketsEstrin, RickLittle Charlie And The NightcatsNine lives501
What's simple is trueKilcher, JewelJewelSpirit329
That boyCole/ClarkCole, LloydThe collection420
KachembereKavhai, WashingtonBhundu BoysWorld in motion717
Sunday morningMcDermott, SuzanneMcDermott, SuzanneEphemera259
That's what friends are forRice, MackStaple SingersBe what you are355
Somebody's got to win, somebody's got to loseCoryell, MuraliCoryellsThe Coryells342
Mountain SongIvanov, NikolaiSeglem, KarlReik422
That's the way love isWhitfield, NormanGaye, MarvinThe Norman Whitfield Sessions341
Why can't we live togetherThomas, TimmySadeUncovered526
The emperorSkaith, SteveSteve Skaith BandImaginary friend351
Comes and goesFogelberg, DanFogelberg, DanCaptured angels221
NachtsBender, Pete "Wyoming"Bender, Pete "Wyoming"Nachts608

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 26.04.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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