Stand: 31.05.2023 18:36 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 10.04.2023

Nightlounge von 03:00 - 04:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Angela Gobelin
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Be My SomebodyJones, NorahJones, NorahNot Too Late336
VousBéart, GuySalvador, HenriMe Chère Et Tendre238
Sweet PeaLee, AmosLee, AmosSupply And Demand210
Copla GuajiraLara, AugustìnFerrer, IbrahimMi Sueno339
Jeunesse DoréeAppleton / Engelhardt / BaumgartnerDe PhazzDeath By Chocolate349
Louis, LouisLassen, TeiturTeiturStay Under The Stars432
I'm All RightBecker / klein / PeyrouxPeyroux, MadeleineHalf The Perfect World327
Aquele Frevo AxéVeloso / MendesCosta, GalAcoustic Brazil / Diverse347
One EveningFeist / GonzalesFeistLet It Die336
BreakdownJohnson, JackJohnson, JackIn Between Dreams332
He Can Only Hold HerWinehouse, AmyWinehouse, AmyBack To Black248
MulataPaz, RaulPaz, RaulNuevo Latino / Diverse357
Down The RoadMorrison, VanMorrison, VanDown The Road419
Rio De Janeiro BlueHaeny / TorranceCrawford / SampleFeeling Good506
Spirit On The WaterDylan, BobDylan, BobModern Times743
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Love, Peace And Understanding?Lowe, NickThe Holmes BrothersState Of Grace414
Bésame MuchoVelazquez, ConsueloEvora, CesariaGreat Expectations (OST) / Diverse452

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 10.04.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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