Stand: 03.05.2023 18:43 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 03.03.2023

Nightlounge von 00:00 - 01:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Mathias Stössner
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretLP/CD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Um A UmTribalistasTribalistasTribalistas241
Criançada (feat. Castello Branco)Cruz, NicolaCruz, NicolaSiku508
Morre O Burro, Fica O HomemBen, JorgeBen, JorgeBen206
Wanda Vidal (Instrumental)Valle, MarcosValle, MarcosGarra213
Maria Quiet (Marie Moita)Lyra /GimbelGilberto, AstrudLook To The Rainbow154
Good Morning HeartacheHigginbotham, Irene Evelyn /Drake, Ervin /Fisher, Daniel Holiday, BillieThe Complete Commodore and Decca Masters 309
Heart To HeartDemarco, MacDemarco, MacHere Comes The Cowboy331
A Thousand Kisses Deep (feat. M. Ward)Gelb, HowardGelb, HoweGathered540
Let's Go Get Stoned (Portier's Vibe)Leikeli47Leikeli47Acrylic109
Magic MountainBurdon, Eric & WarBurdon, Eric & WarLove Is All Around 423
Look OutDavilloStairstepsStairsteps236
Good TimesPersuasions, ThePersuasions, TheStreet Corner Symphony239
Sweete PeonyGentry, BobbieGentry, BobbieLocal Gentry230
Thank You Very MuchAyers, KevinAyers, KevinThe Confessions Of Dr. Dream And Other Stories 305
Stay AroundCale, J.J.Cale, J.J.Stay Around345
Waitin' Around To DieVan Zandt, TownesVan Zandt, TownesFor The Sake Of The Song225
Billy 7Dylan, BobDylan, BobPat Garrett & Billy The Kid209
Yeah BonesVile, KurtVile, KurtBottle It In445

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 03.03.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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