Stand: 03.05.2023 17:43 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 15.02.2023

Nightlounge von 01:00 - 02:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Olaf Maikopf
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
Touch A HandHampton, C.Mavis StaplesLive In London634
That's How I Got To MemphisHall, T.T.Charley CrockettLil G.L:'s Blue Bonanza302
Father Mountaink.A.CalexicoYears To Burn256
Finally AloneDeMarco, M.Mac DeMarcoHere Comes The Cowboy225
CounterfaitWilkenfeld, T.Tal WilkenfeldLove Remains405
Poly BluePratt, J.Jessica PrattCity Slang 2019240
Dancing The AnimalSpalding, E.Esperanza Spalding12 Little Spells508
Everything For YouWagner, K.LambchopThis (Is What I Wanted To Tell You)355
SandrineYounge A.Adrian YoungeSomething About April II258
WoundsCover, D. J.; McNaughton, J. R.Little SimzGrey Area440
Re: Person I KnewEvans, B.Jamie SaftYou Don't Know The431
Giving God A PlanZelmani, S.Sophie ZelmaniSunrise339
W.E.E.K.E.N.D.Arling G.; Cameron, R.Arling & CameronMusic For Imaginary Films415
The Color Of YouSalvadore, P.Lisa EkdahlSings Salvadore Poe339
Mi Globo De NieveJanssen, R.; Janssen, G.Donna ReginaTransient355

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 15.02.2023 | 00:05 Uhr

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