Aktuelle Folge:

News for refugees: "Refugee Radio"

Tens of thousands of refugees have already fled to Germany or are still on their way. Most of them do not speak German. To assist refugees from many different countries to get settled and to obtain relevant information, NDR (North German Public Radio & TV) is now broadcasting news for refugees in English and Arabic.

NDR Info Spezial carries "Refugee Radio" from Monday to Friday at 11:55 and 23:55. The internet link to the latest edition is on top of this page. The news shows contain up-to-date-information as well as political discussions about refugee issues - in Germany and in the countries that refugees pass through on their way to Germany. In addition, listeners will find useful information on topics like health, law, integration as well as reports on volunteer initiatives supporting refugees.

"Refugee Radio" is a joint project of Funkhaus Europa and German public radio stations WDR, RBB and Radio Bremen.

Listen to NDR Info Spezial via digital radio DAB+ (with special receivers, available in electronic shops) or online via live stream on your PC or mobile phone (wifi or data flat rate recommended).

More information

Eine Frau und ein Junge sitzen an einem Tisch © NDR/Jann Wilken Foto: Jann Wilken

"Moin Moin" and welcome!

You just arrived in Germany and have lots of questions? We have collected important contact information, helpful links, news, and children's programmes to help you get settled. mehr

Ein Mann sitzt in Liberia am Straßenrand und hält sich ein kleines Radiogerät ans Ohr. © dpa picture alliance Foto: Nic Bothma

News: "Refugee Radio"

Listen to Funkhaus Europa news updates for refugees in English and Arabic at 11:55 and 23:55 daily from Monday to Friday on NDR Info Spezial. extern

Deutschunterricht für Erwachsene. © picture alliance / ZB Foto: Waltraud Grubitzsch

Free German language courses

Germany’s international broadcasting service Deutsche Welle (DW) offers free German language courses online. Learn German online with audios, videos and podcasts as well as worksheets to print out. extern

Zu sehen sind Hani Daud und Ahmad Mahmood, die aus Somalia über das Mittelmeer nach Europa geflüchtet sind. © dpa Foto: Uli Deck

Germany Guide for refugees by Deutsche Welle

How can I apply for asylum? Where can I stay in Germany? Am I allowed to work? This guide by the Deutsche Welle answers the most important questions of refugees - in Arabic and English. extern

NDR Info Spezial Livestream

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