Oran Etkin

Im Gästebuch | November 2015

Im letzten Jazzkonzert des Jahres 2015 ließ Klarinettist Oran Etkin mit seinem Quartett die Erinnerungen an Benny Goodman wieder aufleben. "Re-Imagining Benny Goodman" hieß das Programm ihres Gastspiels im Rolf-Liebermann-Studio.

There is a very unique energy at NDR that made it a joy to create music and to share time with all the people there. The combination of the serious approach to music-making as well as the relaxed and welcoming vibe there allowed us to lay back and just let the music happen in an unforced way. The first night we had a great time playing our music, but by the second night the music was no longer ours. As we got comfortable and settled into the space, we held on less to what we knew and just let the music happen in ways that surprised us while we were playing it! This was a direct response to the focus that we were getting in that moment from the audience which engaged in a dialogue of listening with us and also the warm positive feeling that everyone at NDR shared with us.

It was also a joy to hear the NDR Bigband perform with Omar Sosa and see how that music developed. Their passion for the music and for the process of perfecting it by finding themselves within the music helped inspire us to reach deep for our own voice and not just play it safe.

My sincere thanks to Stefan, Claudia, Mücke, the technicians & staff, the wonderful members of the NDR Bigband, Omar, Jaques and Ernesto. Helen, Charenee, Steve, Ziv and I all appreciated the time spent with you and the great way you shared who you are with us. Looking forward to staying in touch and hearing more of the wonderful music coming out of NDR in the future!


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