Stand: 15.02.2023 17:39 Uhr

Nachtclub und Nightlounge vom 31.12.2022

Nightlounge von 00:00 - 01:00 Uhr / Zusammenstellung: Marcus Maack
TitelKomponistBesetzung / InterpretCD ObertitelDauer Min.Dauer Sek.
RunningTeisha MatthewsTSHACapricorn Sun (2022)0352
Momma, It's A Long Way HomeFelipe GordonFelipe GordonA Landscape Onomatopeya (2021)0729
Fire Just A Shot (Om Unit Remix)Frenk DublinFrenk Dublin + Tenor YouthmanDUBCOM 040 (2022)0602
With YouJurriaan TerpstraNthngLT 066 (2020)0731
The Man WaitsMiles MitchellMr. MitchGOB 008 (2014)0315
Sleeping (Anja Ngozi Remix)TirzahTirzahHighgrade (2022)0306
Smalltown Boy (Reprise 2014)Jimmy SomervilleJimmy SomervilleSmalltown Boy Reprise (2014)0245
The ReturnSAULTSAULTToday & Tomorrow (2022)0300
More M'sDrake, Shayaa Bin Abraham-JosephDrake + 21 SavageHer Loss (2022)0341
AzaleaJahYuJahYuDARK 001 (2022)0357
Tirzah (Tone Remix)TirzahTirzahHighgrade (2022)0447
Around In CirclesD. KennedyPearson SoundHES 042 (2022)0411
Fall BackMoby, Akemi FoxMoby + Akemi FoxACAN 005 (2022)0411
Come QuickJarred BeelerDJ PleadLIVITY 057 (2022)0445
StopperTomas RoelsTMSVPRF 004 (2022)0255

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NDR Blue | Nachtclub | 31.12.2022 | 17:44 Uhr

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Nachtclub in Concert

20:00 - 22:00 Uhr
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