Conductors' Masterclass with Alan Gilbert at Elbphilharmonie

Stand: 29.05.2024 14:12 Uhr

Attention young conductors: the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra is looking for young talents - apply now! Online registration is open until June 30th, 2024.

Building on the highly successful conducting fellowship he started when he began as Chief Conductor of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra in 2019, Alan Gilbert is now launching a conducting master class to be held in Hamburg’s iconic Elbphilharmonie in August 2024.

The three day course is open to conductors under the age of 35 who either have a degree or are currently enrolled in a degree-granting conducting program. Lessons will be from August 28th until August 30th, 2024 with the full NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra and will be augmented by seminar discussions with Maestro Gilbert. The conducting sessions will be filmed, live-streamed, and open to the public. A total of six participants will be selected.

Click here to apply:

Weitere Informationen
Alan Gilbert, Chefdirigent des NDR Elbphiharmonie Orchesters, im Porträt © NDR Foto: Marco Borggreve

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