// START_DEFINITION /** * Fingerprint Tor authoritative directories enacting the directory protocol. */ fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/node/authority') = $tor_authority and ($tor_directory or preappid(/anonymizer\/tor\/directory/)); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION /* Global Variable for Tor foreign directory servers. Searching for potential Tor clients connecting to the Tor foreign directory servers on ports 80 and 443. */ $tor_foreign_directory_ip = ip('' or '' or '' or '' or '') and port ('80' or '443'); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION /* this variable contains the 3 Tor directory servers hosted in FVEY countries. Please do not update this variable with non-FVEY IPs. These are held in a separate variable called $tor_foreign_directory_ip. Goal is to find potential Tor clients connecting to the Tor directory servers. */ $tor_fvey_directory_ip = ip('' or '' or '') and port ('80' or '443'); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION requires grammar version 5 /** * Identify clients accessing Tor bridge information. */ fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/bridge/tls') = ssl_x509_subject('bridges.torproject.org') or ssl_dns_name('bridges.torproject.org'); /** * Database Tor bridge information extracted from confirmation emails. */ fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/bridge/email') = email_address('bridges@torproject.org') and email_body('https://bridges.torproject.org/' : c++ extractors: {{ bridges[] = /bridge\s([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}):?([0-9]{2,4}?[^0-9])/; }} init: {{ xks::undefine_name("anonymizer/tor/torbridges/emailconfirmation"); }} main: {{ static const std::string SCHEMA_OLD = "tor_bridges"; static const std::string SCHEMA_NEW = "tor_routers"; static const std::string FLAGS = "Bridge"; if (bridges) { for (size_t i=0; i < bridges.size(); ++i) { std::string address = bridges[i][0] + ":" + bridges[i][1]; DB[SCHEMA_OLD]["tor_bridge"] = address; DB.apply(); DB[SCHEMA_NEW]["tor_ip"] = bridges[i][0]; DB[SCHEMA_NEW]["tor_port_or"] = bridges[i][1]; DB[SCHEMA_NEW]["tor_flags"] = FLAGS; DB.apply(); } xks::fire_fingerprint("anonymizer/tor/directory/bridge"); } return true; }}); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION /* The fingerprint identifies sessions visiting the Tor Project website from non-fvey countries. */ fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/torpoject_visit')=http_host('www.torproject.org') and not(xff_cc('US' OR 'GB' OR 'CA' OR 'AU' OR 'NZ')); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION /* These variables define terms and websites relating to the TAILs (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) software program, a comsec mechanism advocated by extremists on extremist forums. */ $TAILS_terms=word('tails' or 'Amnesiac Incognito Live System') and word('linux' or ' USB ' or ' CD ' or 'secure desktop' or ' IRC ' or 'truecrypt' or ' tor '); $TAILS_websites=('tails.boum.org/') or ('linuxjournal.com/content/linux*'); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION /* This fingerprint identifies users searching for the TAILs (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) software program, viewing documents relating to TAILs, or viewing websites that detail TAILs. */ fingerprint('ct_mo/TAILS')= fingerprint('documents/comsec/tails_doc') or web_search($TAILS_terms) or url($TAILS_websites) or html_title($TAILS_websites); // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION requires grammar version 5 /** * Aggregate Tor hidden service addresses seen in raw traffic. */ mapreduce::plugin('anonymizer/tor/plugin/onion') = immediate_keyword(/(?:([a-z]+):\/\/){0,1}([a-z2-7]{16})\.onion(?::(\d+)){0,1}/c : c++ includes: {{ #include }} proto: {{ message onion_t { required string address = 1; optional string scheme = 2; optional string port = 3; } }} mapper: {{ static const std::string prefix = "anonymizer/tor/hiddenservice/address/"; onion_t onion; size_t matches = cur_args()->matches.size(); for (size_t pos=0; pos < matches; ++pos) { const std::string &value = match(pos); if (value.size() == 16) onion.set_address(value); else if(!onion.has_scheme()) onion.set_scheme(value); else onion.set_port(value); } if (!onion.has_address()) return false; MAPPER.map(onion.address(), onion); xks::fire_fingerprint(prefix + onion.address()); return true; }} reducer: {{ for (values_t::const_iterator iter = VALUES.begin(); iter != VALUES.end(); ++iter) { DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_address"] = iter->address() + ".onion"; if (iter->has_scheme()) DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_scheme"] = iter->scheme(); if (iter->has_port()) DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_port"] = iter->port(); DB["tor_onion_survey"]["onion_count"] = boost::lexical_cast(TOTAL_VALUE_COUNT); DB.apply(); DB.clear(); } return true; }}); /** * Placeholder fingerprint for Tor hidden service addresses. * Real fingerpritns will be fired by the plugins * 'anonymizer/tor/plugin/onion/*' */ fingerprint('anonymizer/tor/hiddenservice/address') = nil; // END_DEFINITION // START_DEFINITION appid('anonymizer/mailer/mixminion', 3.0, viewer=$ascii_viewer) = http_host('mixminion') or ip(''); // END_DEFINITION